Ask questions suggested by the teacher see the example below.
Teacher: Ask me what I did last weekend.
Pupil: What did you do last weekend
T: I went down to the country. What did I do?
P: You went down to the country.

T: Ask me:
1) who I went down to the country with.
2)when my brother finished school
3)why I did not go to see my friend off.
4)how long it took me to get to school this morning
5) who came to meet me at the station
6) which of the three stories I liked best

Нужен вопрос ответ и переспрос


1 ответы

  • 1.I went dow  to the country with my friend.

    2.My brother finished school last  year.

    3.I didn't go to see my friend because I was sick

    4.It took me 10 minutes to get to school this morning

    5.My mom came to the station to meet me

    6.Of the three stories I liked the second one the most


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